Fafleralp carpark

Height: 1763

Lat/Long data and/or map will go here when we have implemented it.

Fafleralp is at the end of the road where the Post Bus stops. You can either take the Lötchental Höhenweg path back down the valley or walk up towards the glacier and Anenhütte

img 09716.jpgimg 09718.jpgimg 13484.jpgimg 13489.jpg

There is a restaurant here and a loo, as well as the Post Bus terminus.

-- JaneCurry - 2009-06-09 - 19:50
The view up the valley from the Fafleralp car park:
The view up the valley from the Fafleralp car park

Signpost at Fafleralp:
Signpost at Fafleralp

Signpost at Fafleralp (there's more than one!):
Signpost at Fafleralp (there

Ther is a carpet of alpine flowers up the gently sloping valley from Fafleralp car park:
Ther is a carpet of alpine flowers up the gently sloping valley from Fafleralp car park

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Topic revision: 12 Jun 2009, JaneCurry
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