
Height: 692

Lat/Long data and/or map will go here when we have implemented it.

Mülenen is the small railway station that serves the BLS train between Spiez, Kandersteg and Brig, and where the Niesen railway starts.

img 13594.jpgimg 13597.jpgimg 13601.jpg

Put a longer description and other useful information here.

-- JaneCurry - 2009-06-11 - 12:17
The path of the railway down to Mülenen from Niesen Kulm:
The path of the railway down to Mülenen from Niesen Kulm

The Neisen railway cabin:
The Neisen railway cabin

The Neisen railway follows an exceedingly steep route!:
The Neisen railway follows an exceedingly steep route!

This topic: Walks > WebHome > LocPage266
Topic revision: 11 Jun 2009, JaneCurry
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