To travel between Kandersteg and Kiental, take either the train or BLS bus from Kandersteg to Frutigen and on to Reichenbach. The Post Bus takes you from Reichenbach to Kiental (and on to the Griesalp if you are wanting to do the Blümlisalphütte). For the Nord Rampe walk, there is a chairlift from Kiental up 450m to Ramslauenen. Beware that since 2007 the connection between the Post Bus from Kiental to Reichenbach and the train / bus on to Kandersteg is very inconvenient - with about a 1 hour wait in Reichenbach. Timetables can be found at

-- JaneCurry - 2009-06-08

This topic: Walks > WebTopicList > KientalTransport
Topic revision: 08 Jun 2009, AndrewFindlay
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